About Me

During the 1980’s I started to go outside and paint, in pastels, a drawing painting.

I live in a magic place with the ocean and the redwood forest in my backyard. My ‘plein air’ work celebrated the beauty of this coastal town. It also got me making art on a regular basis. I learned to make my own pastels, which was very handy in creating the colors I needed.

Color is very important in my work. I gradually started painting with acrylics, a medium I was introduced to in the mid 1960’s and returned to in the 2000’s.

With acrylic paint I established my color palette. This color scheme can be attributed to the many years I taught multicultural arts and the exploration of the world folk art in the Art Education Program at San Jose State University.

I am inspired by the combination of contrasting colors and rich patterns found in the artifacts of many cultures.

My work varies in content and materials. I work in both 2D and 3D. This includes printmaking and stenciling, wood cut outs, papier mache’ sculpture, jewelry , textile painting, creative clocks and automata paper sculpture . I am well versed in these areas and offer workshops in a number of medias.

BFA Newark State College, New Jersey

MA Art Education San Jose State University ,California

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